Mobile Bike Repair Service
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Bike Shop Aberdeen
Servicing your bicycle on a regular basis will keep it in tip-top condition.
Problems can be nipped in the bud before they progress to full failure. Just a simple change of a brake or gear cable can make the bike feel better, but ensuring that all of the bearings are running smoothly, nut and bolts tightened to manufacturers specification will mean a smoother riding machine. There is nothing better than having your bicycle feel like new once again.
Bronze Service – £50 Excluding Parts
The Bronze Service is the mechanical equivalent of a doctor’s medical. If you don’t use your bike a great deal, the Basic Service is all you might require, so you will gain the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your gears change smoothly, and that your brakes work fine. The mechanic will not undertake any investigative work at the Basic Service. He will however, highlight any obvious problems that would fall outwith the scope of the Basic Service when he checks the bike over with you. We will also advise you if any parts need replaced. Naturally, the price of any new parts fitted will be added on to the price of the Basic Service.
Check and adjust brakes and gears.
Check and inflate tyres.
Lubricate chain and derailleurs.
Silver Service – £70 Excluding Parts
The Silver Service is the mechanical equivalent to a two week visit to a health farm. For the average user, we recommend this comprehensive service where we check over the whole bicycle. Any new parts required will be highlighted by the mechanic, but are not included in the price.
As Bronze Service, plus:
Check and externally adjust hubs, headset and bottom bracket.
Replace brake blocks/pads (if required).
Lubricate cables (replace if required).
Lubricate chain and derailleurs.
Check/tighten all nuts and bolts.
Tru wheels on bike
Gold Service – £120 Excluding Parts
To make this service truly Gold, we strip your bike down to the bare frame. Every part is carefully checked over before it is refitted. Serviceable bearings are regreased. New cables, bearings and brake pads are fitted if required. The drivetrain is thoroughly cleaned. If you ride every day, or you’re contemplating a big ride, or you want your bike to work better than new, we recommend you treat your bike to a Gold Service.
As Silver Service, plus
Complete strip down and rebuild including headset, bottom bracket and hubs (excludes hydraulic brakes, suspension forks & shocks).
All threads cleaned and chased.
Wheels trued & tensioned.
Parts not included in quoted prices
Please note: prices quoted on this page cover labour charges. An additional charge will be made for any parts fitted at the service, such as brake blocks, cables and bearings, unless otherwise stated (for instance, there is no charge for brake fluid when we bleed hydraulic disc brakes).
Parts not included in quoted prices
Please note: prices quoted on this page cover labour charges. An additional charge will be made for any parts fitted at the service, such as brake blocks, cables and bearings.
No parts or extra work costs will be done until discussed and approved by customer.
Call out Charge
Minimum call out charge £20